Specialising in Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma

Spectrum transforms lives and provides individualised treatment, consultation, support, training, resources, research and advocacy.
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Crucial research of how the pandemic shaped the mental health landscape
We're excited to announce Spectrum has just published a groundbreaking study in the journal Mental Health Science.
New Release! Spectrum’s Practical Guide for Victorian Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
Resource based on the best evidence and clinical experience available.
Our 25 Year report
In 2024, Spectrum celebrated 25 years of service. Read our impact and achievements over this time.
Australian Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) Institute
Spectrum has formally launched the Australian MBT Institute.
Building capacity and empowering clinicians in regional Victoria
Improving access to quality and evidence-based treatment for people with personality disorder and complex trauma is one of Spectrum’s most fundamental goals. When approached by Mildura Base Hospital with a request to run a training series to try and achieve this, our response was: “When do we start?”
The champions of Spectrum’s training program
Spectrum has delivered 134 training activities, reaching 4,698 participants including health professionals, carers, families and partners and those newly diagnosed with BPD.
'I am...'
To find the information most relevant to you.
looking for treatment
Information about the treatment programss that Spectrum offers
here for myself
Information for people exploring what a diagnosis of a personality disorder means, some skills that may be helpful when distressed and treatment options
family, friend, carer
Information and resources for families, friends, supporters, kin who are supporting a person living with BPD or emotional dysregulation
a professional
Information about the way we work, referral to Spectrum for an assessment and treatment
looking for research & evidence
Information about Spectrum's research and innovation programs and current opportunities to participate in research