About the Research Centre
Learn more about The Centre for Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma Research
About the Research Centre
Welcome to the Research Centre, where our mission is to is to develop, evaluate and promulgate effective treatment, research and training initiatives. We are dedicated to enhancing understanding of personality disorder, complex trauma and exploring the intricate relationship between these areas.
Stay updated including news on our activities, achievements and our annual online research forum. Discover how we're making strides in the field and contributing to meaningful advancements.
Objectives of the Research Centre
The objectives of the Centre for Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma Research Centre include:
- facilitating knowledge sharing to promote best practice in the care of people with personality disorder and complex trauma
- conducting high quality translational research into clinical programs and supporting their translation into practice throughout the mental health system
embracing ongoing learning and improvement, utilising co-production principles with lived experience partners
supporting the care of people with complex trauma-related disorders by innovating treatments and guiding delivery of treatment that achieve best possible mental health outcomes
generating and collating evidence for best possible clinical care to inform workforce training, practice, and professional development across the mental health system
developing guidelines and position statements to inform service delivery, policy and law making
identifying and championing evidence-informed pathways and advocating for their resourcing by the Victorian government
engaging with clinical, academic, and consumer and carer audiences via annual events such as Spectrum’s Conference and Research Forum
striving for excellence and driving innovation through collaboration with services, government agencies and educational institutions, and
facilitating sabbatical placements and funding travelling fellowships and visiting scholars.
Collaborative research with the Research Centre
Are you interested in conducting research with the Centre for Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma? Spectrum welcomes contact from researchers and organisations to discuss studies that are designed to clarify aetiology and diagnostic complexity, investigate treatment efficacy and recovery, explore lived experience perspectives, and highlight training needs to improve services for people with personality disorder and complex trauma and people who support them. If you would like to discuss our current research activities and your research interests, please contact the Research Centre via the options below.
Participate in research
Are you interested in participating in research that contributes to our understanding, and optimises care and outcomes for people living with personality disorder and complex trauma? Volunteering to participate in research is a personal decision that requires careful consideration of the risks and benefits.
Find out more about the potential risks and benefits that might apply to you. If you are interested in participating in research please contact the Research Centre via the options below.
For more information
Please contact the Research Centre via email or call (03) 8413 8750 (ask for Assoc. Prof. Jillian Broadbear, Head of Research)
[email protected]