Psychoeducation sessions
Spectrum offer a monthly online psychoeducation sessions for people with a living experience of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and/or complex trauma.

Psychoeducation sessions
Spectrum provide psychoeducation sessions for people who are living with BPD and/or complex trauma. These sessions are facilitated by clinicians to provide the latest information on BPD, useful handouts and opportunities to ask questions.
About the session
- 2-hour single-session delivered online
- $10 AUD
- small groups
- clinicians led - psychiatrist and clinical psychologist
- interactive, opportunity to ask questions and discuss information provided
- no pressure to speak if you are reluctant
- receive useful handouts, videos and education resources, and
- no need to have prior knowledge about BPD and/or complex trauma
Content of the session
The session will cover the following:
- diagnosis and symptoms
- risk factors for the development of BPD and/or complex trauma
- BPD and/or complex trauma across the life span
- evidence-based treatments for BPD and/or complex trauma
- factors that contribute to remission and recovery
- debunk common myths about BPD and/or complex trauma
- story of recovery from a person with a lived experience of BPD and/or complex trauma, and
- coping with chronic stress and self-care practices
Are you eligible to attend?
To be eligible to attend one of Spectrum’s online psychoeducation session:
- you must be over 18 years of age
- have a living experience of personality disorder and/or complex trauma
- interested in learning about the latest information on BPD and/or complex trauma
- live in Australia and/or
- not currently in hospital or currently experiencing acute crisis
NB: This session is NOT for clinicians. If you are a clinician/case manager/health care worker etc please forward the registration details to your client
Online psychoeducation session for BPD
Find and register for a psychoeducation session or workshop (search psychoeducation)

Contact education and training
Phone: (03) 8413 8750
Email: [email protected]
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